Gailene Stock

Gailene Stock CBE AM, much admired Director of The Royal Ballet School,
died on Tuesday 29 April peacefully at home after a courageous fight against cancer. Most
beloved wife of Gary and devoted mother of Lisa. An exceptional dancer and teacher, loved
by so many and an inspiration to even more.

Photo: Patrick Baldwin

Gailene StockGailene Stock

ゲイリーン・ストック メモリアル アワード(GSMA)は、英国ロイヤルバレエスクール、オーストラリアンバレエスクール 両校を名実共に世界のトップスクールに育て、その人生の多くを若いダンサーの育成に情熱を注いだ故ゲイリーン・ストック女史を記念して2016年にスタートしたアワードです。

GSMAインテンシヴ開催期間中、各レヴェル毎に集中したクラシックバレエレッスンの受講に加え、課題アンシェヌマン又は課題のクラシックバリエーションの指導を受け、それぞれ最終日にアワード受賞者が選ばれます。また、Level 2, 3の希望者は開催期間中に設けられている個人レッスンやコンテンポラリーなどのエクストラクラスの受講が出来ます。 競い合う事よりも、参加者の皆さんが英国ロイヤルバレエスタイルに特徴的であるクリーンなテクニックと表現芸術の真髄に触れ、インテンシヴ期間中の理解と成長の過程が重視されることが特徴です。

ゲイリーン・ストック メモリアル アワードでは、各奨励賞の他に、特に将来が期待されるダンサーに、オーストラリアンバレエスクール/カナダナショナルバレエスクール/バーゼル劇場バレエスクール/ハーグ王立コンセルヴァトワール/ニュージーランドスクールオブダンス等、名門バレエスクールの本コース短期留学や、YBSSヨークシャーバレエ・サマースクールの授業料免除等のスカラシップ賞が贈られます。



GSMA ディレクター


Gailene Stock Memorial Award was founded in 2016 to commemorate late Gailene Stock CBE AM, who led both the Royal Ballet School and the Australian Ballet School and devoted her life for educating young dancers.

During the intensive course, participants will attend classical ballet classes for their levels, and they will also learn assigned enchainement or classic variation. They will have opportunities to perform them and award winners will be selected on the last day. The workshop is not so much about competing, but more about enhancing the opportunity to learn clean techniques and the important style and to grasp the essence of art. Thus, award winners are chosen not only by their performance but also by their improvement during the workshop. Participants of the Level 2 and 3 can sign up for the private coaching and contemporary dance classes which will be held during the intensive.

In addition to Incentive Awards, talented candidates are awarded with the scholarships from prestigious ballet schools around the world. Scholarships include tuition opportunities in Australian Ballet School, Canada's National Ballet School, Ballettschule Theater Basel, The Royal Conservatoire the Hague, The New Zealand School of Dance, and the summer school at Yorkshire Ballet Summer School and so on.

David Peden, GSMA’s artistic advisor, taught at the Royal Ballet School for 15 years and he had earned himself an enormous trust from Gailene Stock. In order to support young ballet dancers and to carry on her legacy, David will teach the workshop together with internationally acclaimed principal dancers as guest teachers.

We hope many young dancers will participate and benefit from this wonderful opportunity for their future careers.

GSMA Director,

Michiko Nakamura

ゲイリーン・ストック CBE AM (1946-2014)

1946年、オーストラリアに生まれる。1962年にロイヤルアカデミーオブダンスのスカラシップを受け、英国ロイヤルバレエスクール(RBS)・アッパースクールへ留学。その後、オーストラリアバレエに入団。74年にナショナルバレエオブカナダ、76年にロイヤルウィニペグバレエに移籍。プリンシパルダンサー(後にRBS教師を務める)のゲイリー・ノーマン氏と結婚し、77年にオーストラリアバレエに 夫妻で復帰。78年に娘を出産して引退するも79年にオーストラリア・ナショナルシアターバレエスクールの校長に就任。 90年からはオーストラリアバレエスクール校長に就任したが、その実績は内外共に評判となり、英国ロイヤルバレエスクールからの要請に応え、99年、前任のメール・パークから引き継ぎロイヤルバレエスクール校長となった。 アッパースクールでは、コンテンポラリー及びパドドゥクラス、プロフェッショナルダンサー対象の教師コース、振付コースなどを拡充し内部の改革を行うと共に、生徒達の海外ツアー公演(日本公演2005年)も増やしていった。又、スクールの第3学年を、在学中に海外バレエ団のオーディションを受けやすい体制にする等、その功績の素晴らしい成果は、それまでは50%に満たなかった卒業生の就職率が最後の7年間で95%~100% になったことでも示されている。 世界各国からの要請にも積極的に対応し、ローザンヌ国際 コンクールの審査委員長やYAGPの審査員等を務め、日本にもツアー、コンクール、ワークショップ、セミナーの為何度も来日し、バレエを志す多くの生徒、指導者達がその人柄に触れ、影響を受けた。2013年、英王室より大英帝国勲章CBE(コマンダー)を授与される。

*  *  *


"Messy grooming is a messy dancer."
"It is important to invest well in your training, which will enable you to cash in at the bank when you have finished it."(Gailene Stock)
ダンスは身だしなみから 身だしなみの良さは踊りに表れます。

Gailene Stock CBE AM (1946-2014)  

Born in Ballarat, Victoria, Gailene trained initially in Australia and then at The Royal Ballet Upper School as a result of a scholarship awarded by the Royal Academy of Dance. She danced as a Principal Artist with The Australian Ballet, the National Ballet of Canada and the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, performing many of the leading roles in the major classics and also many dramatic works.
Following a sixteen year professional dancing career, she accepted the position of Director of the National Theatre Ballet School, Victoria, Australia for eight years and The Australian Ballet School for nine years, before taking on the role of Director of The Royal Ballet School in 1999. Gailene led the School and its artistic development for 15 years and it is now widely recognised as one of the top classical dance training centres in the world.
In 1997 Gailene was awarded the Order of Australia for services to ballet. She received the Governors of The Royal Ballet Gold Medal 2013. Internationally acclaimed, her knowledge and experience was regularly sought in the dance community worldwide. She participated as a jury member in many international competitions including the role of President of the Prix de Lausanne, Switzerland, and the Youth America Grand Prix, New York.

29th April 2014 Royal Ballet School




ヤスミン・ナグディー  Yasmine Naghdi


"The most important thing for a young dancer is to enjoy the journey and work hard with complete focus and to achieve the desired result which will enable them to fulfil their potential to become a professional dancer."

David Peden



Melbourn 2012
photo:Jean Stewart



"I am so pleased the GSMA is now able to go ahead. This will be a truly wonderful commemorative award in Gailene's name and a testament to the ever endearing memory of a great person. She was an inspiration to the ballet world and especially those that came into contact with her. To the hundreds of students she nurtured and mentored at The Royal Ballet School and Australian Ballet School and who have now forged and attained their professional careers, this award will be an exciting tribute and accolade to her life's work.

Her family and I want to thank everyone involved for honouring a much loved and admired human being. I congratulate the winner of this inaugural award and know that Gailene would be very proud and heartened by this all happening. Gailene's legacy is immense and her association in Japan has always been a dear one to her heart. This award now and for the future will be a valuable continuation of her name and she will be remembered always for it."

Feb.2016   Gary Norman

ゲイリーン・ストック メモリアルアワード誕生




29th April 2016

GSMA ディレクター 中村道子

“Gailene Stock Memorial Award (GSMA) was founded in 2016 to commemorate Gailene Stock CBE AM (28 January 1946 - 29 April 2014) who was very supportive of passionate young dancers in Japan. Gailene visited Japan several times in her life time to encourage dancers. I am grateful to invite David Peden, who taught ballet in the Royal Ballet School for 15 years and earned the enormous trust from Gailene, as an artistic advisor for the GSMA. Through this workshop, we are hoping that Gailene’s legacy will continue to live and inspire the next generation.

I met Gailene in 2005 when she came to Japan for the Royal Ballet School’s performance and to teach in the workshop. I was very impressed to see the performance by trained young students and their refined manner on the stage. The high level presentation which has been passed on throughout a long history in the Royal Ballet School is breathtaking. Since then, I had met Gailene several times and we continued to exchange emails. She was an accomplished director as well as a great teacher. I still recall her perfect positioning which she showed to students during the class and her elastic and elegant movement. I hope enthusiastic young dancers will benefit from this workshop and the award will continue to be a hope for future dancers.”

29th April, 2016

GSMA Director,

Michiko Nakamura